Sunday, May 2, 2010

Not so "Fabulous Fab"! Fabrice Tourre

Why does this site exist?

Well you only need to look inside your own wallet to answer that question. Or read the news. If you have been in the jungle for the last two years then you might not know that our friends at Goldman Sachs manufactured the “Global Recession”. Nice name for a depression but we seem to be coming out of it ok… right? Let’s see… the U.S. Unemployment rate is over 10%, the banks have received over $100 Billion and outside of our borders entire countries are in bankruptcy or on the verge. Greece itself will need a bail out and let’s not talk about poor Iceland or the 3rd World nations.

But back here on Wall Street our friends at Goldman Sachs will be just fine. In fact the more the U.S. and the World go under the more Goldman Sachs makes. I know it seems unbelievable that such a thing could happen. I mean after World War II, after Vietnam and the age of protest, awareness, civil rights and freedoms we could actually have a government that allows a private company to swindle the country and the World and that people would not only just take it but actually allow the government to pay them more?

Do the words “financial legislation”, “banking oversight” or “end derivatives and exotic trades” come to mind?

Ridiculous! Absurd! This is just “conspiracy theory” you say?

Well let’s see…

Let’s check out these articles in such “Conspiracy” outlets such as The New York Times

The New York Times: S.E.C. Sues Goldman Over Housing Market Deal

Wait - did I read that right? The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is suing Goldman Sachs for fraud.

Oh no big deal… wait…. Fraud? FRAUD! In fact it’s worse than that. They’re saying that Goldman Sachs actually caused the U.S. and Global recessions by …get this… by selling stocks (that are supposed to go up) and then secretly betting that they would go down (using offshore banks). Why would they do that? Let’s see… they told their clients that these “great stocks” were good bets but why then short their clients? Well because they knew the stocks were very likely to go down. In fact they found that out because they went to a guy…ha! A guy? How about a billionaire for the list of stocks to promote to their clients? This guy was supposed to be unbiased but he wasn’t. In fact this tycoon, John A. Paulson, was not unbiased… he put the list together and made over $1 billion from those great stocks failing. That’s what I call “unbiased”!!!!

And then there's "Fabulous Fab".

Let’s take Mr. Fabulous Fab. I love this article from Dana Milbank at the Washington Post: Wall Street's Mr. Fabu-less. You see Mr. Fabulous Fab even admitted in an email:
(Excerpt from the article: Emphasis added except the “!!!” which Mr. Fabulous added himself)
[Fabulous, in an e-mail from 2007, described the mortgage business as "totally dead, and the poor little subprime borrowers (a.k.a. poor people) will not last too long!!!" (umm..YAY???)

Yet two months later, he boasted that he had managed to dump some more of the worthless mortgage securities on "widows and orphans that I ran into at the airport." ] Wow… what a fabulous guy! What a saint! Nah…he didn’t do anything wrong! Al Capone and Hitler didn’t either..right?

More article links to come. Feel free to comment!

Welcome to Boycott Goldman Sachs

Welcome to Boycott Goldman!

The site dedicated to the scandal that is Goldman Sachs!

Here you’ll find my personal views on them and the current talk.

Really though… this site is not just about boycotting Goldman Sachs but it’s also about you, me, we … the American People. If we actually realize that these are the people who caused the U.S. and Global recessions we might actually want to do something about it. This site is also about realizing that Goldman Sachs is actually the “The great American bubble machine” and the “Vampire Squid” that Matt Taibbi called them. They have caused our financial, personal and political troubles.

What I ask of you is: If you look at the news and information linked to in this blog and you come to the same conclusion - you do something about it. Create your own blog, talk about it, and above all contact your governmental representatives about it. There are a lot of very important decisions being made in Washington now and you should be apart of it. The banks are! Their lobbyists have been invited by the Whitehouse to put together regulatory legislation. That means that the banks are being invited to help write laws that will regulate them. It's like asking rapists to write the laws that protect people from rape.

This blog is a forum for free speech. Feel free to contribute. This blog is not here to make money or to push political agendas. This blog is here to get people to see, discuss and learn about what Goldman Sachs (among others) have done to cause the greatest depression (a.k.a. Great Recession) since The Great Depression of the 30's.

Learn about Goldman Sachs sordid founders and history and their current CEO Lloyd Blankfein. Learn about Fabrice Tourre (self anointed "Fabulous Fab" who is being charged with Securities Fraud by the SEC) and how he, Goldman Sachs and the tycoon John A. Paulson came up with the mortgage securities scheme that caused the recession and created the "bank bailouts" that gave billions upon billions of dollars to those who not only created the problems but who also profited by billions upon billions from the housing collapse prior to the bailouts. Learn about how they sold the risky securities to their clients but then bet against them, knowing that the collapse was eminent.

Read and be amazed. Once you do... don't just sit there in amazement... do something. Call your congressperson, call the Whitehouse. Call the press. Tell them what you think... this is your country. Oh...and don't forget to BOYCOTT GOLDMAN SACHS!

The cartoon above is by How true it is.